A walk in the fir forest near Stemnitsa and I get in touch with everything that matters. I like to walk barefoot although it takes a little care for any insects and thorns. Maybe that’s why I like it, because I’m kind of “forced” to walk slowly and feel 100% that it’s touching my feet and the moisture of the ground. Α sense that we don’t have the opportunity to experience in everyday life, because of shoes.

At the point where my good friend Ilias and I stood, the flowers, spikes and grasses were in full growth. I took out the camera and methodically but without losing the enjoyment of the silence, I started to take pictures and videos. Suddenly one of my favorite butterflies came to my place, the small ones with blue wings that I had met in Piana (a small village here in Mainalo). In particular he sat on my camera strap and wouldn’t go away. We hung out and I noticed her. It had fluff! I told Ilias to take a photo of it because he has a macro lens and then through the images I could see many beautiful details in this little creature.

If you view the images from a computer (where they appear large) or even from a mobile phone with a large screen, then you might notice it too. The butterfly’s wings are golden in the light, iridescent to be exact! Such beauty and grace. She also has a great face. Big eyes that I think are looking at me and something like a small mouth that I think is smiling at me hahaha. And this soft fluff in soft blue and silver that also sparkles in the light.

Within minutes more butterflies came. They were so friendly and reminded me of what we call “butterfly” in social relationships. They flew gracefully around me and enjoying each other’s company. Until they finally sat on my hand! Three at once!

Look at this photo. The butterfly with these little legs looks like a real fairy as we know them from fairy tales!

It was a simple afternoon where we each enjoyed our book on the lawn. Ilias found a fox skull, with several teeth missing. Maybe I’ll paint it and turn it into some art or use the teeth in some jewelry hahaha. Is anybody interested;