I wish a happy July and week to everyone reading this post!
I hope you had a great weekend, during which we officially entered the heart of summer, July.
On Saturday we took Ilias’ car in order to catch the sunset overlooking the slopes of Mainalo. Due to some obligations of my own, we were late to leave… We only knew roughly where we wanted to go, so the anxiety to catch the sunset added an exploratory character to the excursion about where was the best place to park and take photos. During the winter I had noticed that there is an amazing view of the sunset over Vytina, a large nearby village, which most of you probably know. More specifically, we had to go up the road to the Ski Center and look for a plateau there for parking.

As I drove the sun disappeared behind the mountain and it looked like all hope of catching up was gone, but I had a feeling that we might just make it given the altitude we would be climbing. Finally as we entered the road to the Ski Resort, the crimson sun made its appearance through the car mirrors. We quickly found a spot and just as quickly decided where to set up the tripod. We were really playing with the seconds. You will have noticed how quickly the sun disappears on the horizon when one wants to watch a sunset…

It was like a painting. The ridges resembled the waves of a deep sea, but in the colors of fire. Just after sunset, something between light blue and pink spread across the canvas and everything was transformed. Below you see some self-portrait attempts, which I can’t say are completely successful, however I have the memory…

Then it was the turn of the other star of the show, the moon. As if in a movie scene, we stopped the car on the road, at a lower altitude. We were drinking hot filter coffee from the bottle and eating peaches while enjoying the summer feeling in the air… Today is a full moon, so the moon we saw the day before yesterday was almost full.

The energy of the moon is different from that of the sun. The sun gives life, but she has something mysterious. And of course it affects the water element on Earth due to gravity. I don’t think it’s unreasonable to think that it affects the various liquids we have in our body in large quantities in a similar way. Everything is connected somehow, I don’t know if it could be any other way. What do you think?

After staying until it was completely dark and the lights of Vytina came on, we made our way back. Just like that another summer afternoon passed here on the mountain.

Thank you for being here. Until the next post take care and keep smiling.