My name is Angelina Helioti and I recently graduated from the architecture school of NTUA.


After months of thinking, I took the risk of leaving life in Athens. The reason, the very quality of life of the metropolis. The fast pace, the pressure to “meet the deadlines”, the crowd of people and the lack of natural environment were things that led me to change.


I moved to a small, mountainous village in Arcadia, Stemnitsa. Although I grew up in Laconia, Arcadia is my place of origin and so in a sense, I feel like I have come home. I don’t know how long I’ll be able to stay here, but whatever it ends up being, I’ll try to enjoy it to the fullest.


Here I am enjoying everything I have been craving! Trees, rivers, lakes, quiet, everyday life at a slow pace.

I have a simple lifestyle, but it gives me inspiration for my artistic pursuits, photography, painting, and video making. At the same time, I am studying the art of silversmithing in a public school located here. In this blog you will find journal articles about my life here.


I hope you enjoy everything I’m about to share with you.


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Opening to spring

One of the most beautiful things I can do in nature after the cold winter is to lie on the ground when it is full of flowers, while the sun warms my face. This past weekend, the weather was wonderful and I had the opportunity to enjoy the spring wonder all around me both in Mainalos and Parnonas, as I took a short trip there.

Another thing I enjoy is collecting various things from the forest. In the last few days I have devoted several hours to learning mushroom picking from Panos. Now is the season of morchella, an unusual mushroom, which has a great flavor and is rich in PRO-vitamin D. We picked quite a few, mostly of the morchella elata species. It’s incredible how many useful things nature offers here, next to my house!

They have now bloomed beautiful flowers in various colors and I would love to have a vase or more around the house, but something is stopping me from cutting them. The thought of them dying once cut makes me keep putting it off until the next time I’m in the woods…

The birds are singing, each one its own song. When I meet them with my eyes I get great joy. In Parnonas, as we were walking on the path outside of Vamvakou, a tree nut stood on a branch in front of us. Of course I didn’t get to take a picture of him, he was gone as quickly as he appeared. But I don’t mind because sometimes when I’m in nature I don’t want to take pictures at all. In those moments I am completely calm and prefer not to do anything.

The hours on the mountain pass very strangely. When I sit for a long time in the forest and allow nature to “speak” to me in the only language it knows, silence, then I feel that time is distorted. It’s very strange, it doesn’t just feel like time is slowing down, it’s more like it’s stopping, or even more specifically, I’m completely forgetting that time even exists. I don’t care what time it is and where I have to go next. Only when it inevitably gets dark do I realize that something is changing. When I’m in the forest, everything melts… I melt and my boundaries begin to fade. I don’t know where I end and the forest begins. It’s a really unique feeling, and it might sound a little crazy, but those of you who spend a lot of quality time in nature, I’m sure you understand.

Until the next article, I hope you have a great time!

See you soon.


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