In Mainalo mountain there are really many dirt roads to explore and many corners to discover. So on Friday when there was some sunshine after a streak of bad weather, I decided to go for a walk in the woods with a fellow student, Ilias, who also likes photography. I drove up to half of the way and then he took the steering wheel, so I can keep my mind on various points, on the side of the road, that were worth stopping.

At the first stop we walked down a dirt road, which I had had my eye on for months, but in the end it wasn’t long and didn’t lead anywhere, except through the fir trees… I was completely camouflaged as my clothes were the same colors as the landscape. Even if it didn’t lead anywhere, as the path was short, I still learned something about the point I had been thinking about for a long time. This is also a conquest.

Then we passed Rapouni and turned towards Elati. It’s a magical place. Whatever I say is little. Beautiful fir trees, clearings and small meadows stretch by the side of the road, the chirping of birds gently enters through the open window… At some point a stream began to stretch to our right. I knew we would stop there as the spot had caught my interest from previous times I had driven past.

We sat on the banks of the stream for a few minutes and listened to the surroundings. Then the photoshoot began! I had taken my new jewelry with me just in case. And, although the lighting was not ideal, finally satisfactory conditions were found for photographing jewelry, which turned out to be tiring, but I was glad of it. I didn’t expect to like it so much! In a few photos I had my hands in the water and combined with the stillness, after a while I froze so much that it hit my head a bit… But I was so glad I finally did it. I don’t have all the clicks I need, but there’s at least something.

Here is a small sample of the jewelry photos, to give you a taste. Everything will be uploaded in the next few days on my Instagram profile: angelinaheliotijewelry. You can find me there in case you wish to place an order.

I hope you are all well inside and outside. Until the next article, have a great time.
Sending you hugs!