My name is Angelina Helioti and I recently graduated from the architecture school of NTUA.


After months of thinking, I took the risk of leaving life in Athens. The reason, the very quality of life of the metropolis. The fast pace, the pressure to “meet the deadlines”, the crowd of people and the lack of natural environment were things that led me to change.


I moved to a small, mountainous village in Arcadia, Stemnitsa. Although I grew up in Laconia, Arcadia is my place of origin and so in a sense, I feel like I have come home. I don’t know how long I’ll be able to stay here, but whatever it ends up being, I’ll try to enjoy it to the fullest.


Here I am enjoying everything I have been craving! Trees, rivers, lakes, quiet, everyday life at a slow pace.

I have a simple lifestyle, but it gives me inspiration for my artistic pursuits, photography, painting, and video making. At the same time, I am studying the art of silversmithing in a public school located here. In this blog you will find journal articles about my life here.


I hope you enjoy everything I’m about to share with you.


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The scent of the frozen air

Good evening my dears! I hope you’re having a great time wherever you are, whatever you’re doing.


Here in Stemnitsa, things have started to take the expected turn. Although today is sunny, yesterday it rained from early in the morning and for the whole day it did not stop. The fog engulfed the village and many times we could not even see two meters in front of us.

I have really missed this weather and have been looking forward from August for the crystal scent of the frozen air that pierces my lungs, but gives them so much life! And now the village has these incredible blurry colors, dark green, gray, blue and sometimes a little purple…

When the weather is like this I get a lot of inspiration to paint or edit footage I have for vlogs in the warmth of the house. But now I spend many hours in the workshop making jewelry, as I get prepared for Christmas and some orders that I will have to deliver. However, this weekend I will sit down to complete a video vlog that will include the highlights of November. So you will have an idea of how I spent this month here in the village.

I’ve been a bit absent from the blog these days, but the reason is important. I have been quite absorbed in the project I told you about in the previous post. In a few days the video we shot in the forest will be published and I will finally present you our work! So stay tuned here and on social media.

Now I will leave you and go to the school for the gemology class…

We will see you very soon.


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