Last week I went for a walk with Athena and Ilias. It was a wonderful long drive through six villages of Mainalo. Exploration and fun with music and laughter. As daylight was falling, we had passed Dimitsana and were about to enter Stemnitsa. Suddenly we saw two small eyes shining on the road, some animal was crossing the road. “Luckily he was in time” I thought, because right behind him, at the turn, a large jeep car appeared coming at a speed… I smiled. I am very happy when I meet forest animals here on the mountain… As we got closer and closer to the place where I saw the eyes, I saw the animal again in the road. But wait a minute, the jeep is coming!!! Passed!!! What happened;! We stopped short in the middle of the building. All three of us understood. I was boned. We set the alarm, I turned off the music and we jumped out of the car…
That night, in my bed, I was trying to bring to mind what happened, to feel it again. I took two minutes with myself, opened the cell phone and wrote the following text:
“I wasn’t prepared for what I saw. The weasel’s head was pinned down and the rest of its body was thrashing on the asphalt. A pool of blood hot and glowing and that little creature jerking around in the road.
It was the most painful thing I have ever seen. Frozen, I turned away so I wouldn’t see. I don’t know what happened inside me at that moment. I couldn’t take it anymore and let the sobs and tears come to the surface. The crowd was less. For a moment I thought about going to the car. But then I couldn’t let it go. I wanted to be with him as he was leaving, to say goodbye. We moved it to the edge, to the grass.
We stayed there for a while.
Ilias and I stroked his belly and the place where his heart was. For a few seconds I just touched the warm body with the soft fur and meditatively tried to connect with the creature. I imagined my love energy flowing through my hand.
“His heart is beating,” I said.
After a few seconds, a desperate “He beats faster!” I yelled and a sob left my mouth…
“Stop!!!”. Tears rolled down my cheeks again.
The soul had left the body.
I was overcome with shock. I don’t know what words to describe what I felt. I had never seen a living thing die in front of me and especially in this tragic way. I wish he didn’t leave in agony. For him to feel even a little bit of the affection and love I was trying to convey to him with my touch… I’m sure he felt our companionship. I wanted to stay there longer but I can’t at times like this, when there are others I just tune out and the car was in the middle of the road…
Much later when I return home I remembered the teacher’s words… That the moment when someone dies is an excellent opportunity for meditation, for prayer. The feeling in the atmosphere. There is incredible energy spreading around. You feel the presence of the soul, you become part of the mystery.
The energy that was in the space at the time of death… Just a moment ago the soul was there inside the body. Where did he go next??? And when the heart stopped… It was as if the creature entered my heart. I feel that I will carry this soul deep in my own heart now. I know he is fine wherever he went. How the All constantly appears in new forms. Something goes something comes and it’s all a circle. The cycle of life and death.
I feel love. I feel grateful to have had this painful, but great experience. Love! It’s happening now, right now. I will not forget. Love.
Where are we going; Where did we come from?”