Good morning beautiful people!
These are days with bad weather all over the country and so here in the mountains we have very low temperatures, snow and wind. In fact the thermometer has reached -10 in Mainalos and already twice the water pipes have frozen in my house, but luckily I dealt with the problem by carefully pouring hot water on them. Today, however, the sun dominates the firmament.
At the same time as the snowstorm, the School of Silversmithing above, where we were to start the exams, was also closed. So I got the chance to ski, something I wanted since last year but didn’t get a chance to try. My company and I have already visited the slopes of the ski resort twice and enjoyed this activity and now I’m looking forward to the next time.

Τhe first day we went there we were the last to leave even after the chalet staff. We walked to the car through the snow on the side of the road. It was so fluffy that our feet disappeared into it, while at the same time there was that wonderful, crunching sound that snow makes under shoes. We wanted to spend the night at the Mainalo refuge right next to the ski resort, but the time was not yet right. Maybe we’ll try it in the next few days. In the video below you can see footage of our first attempt at skiing.

Fortunately the second time thanks to my friend Panagiotis Panagopoulos, who is active in the Mainalo area, we learned the basics like stopping, turning and braking. It was very kind of him to spend his time with my company and me with exercises and instructions on how to ski more correctly. So we went from the green to the blue piste and started to really enjoy skiing. He was the best teacher we could have had, I thank him deeply.

I love it so much up there on the slopes, even though it’s so cold that after a while I can’t feel my face. The snow as it sits on the fir branches and the wooden buildings, so integrated into the landscape. The lift moment ended up being one of my favorites. On the descent it has full adrenaline and forces you to be in the here and now, but also afterwards if you know how to relax, to hold on to the lift and let it take you up, that calm moment when you have nothing else to do but let go, this is also a moment when I can put worries aside and enjoy the climb, in the present. In the next video you can see the difference in my skis.
Just wanted to let you know how my week went.
Until the next article… love yourselves!